Distinguished Alumni Awards Program


The five annual alumni awards have a two-fold purpose: to give recognition to Berry alumni who especially deserve it and to reflect credit on Berry by recognizing the achievements and services of exemplary alumni.

The Distinguished Achievement Award will go to selected alumni in recognition of outstanding achievement and usually will reflect recognition already accorded these persons by those in a position to know of their accomplishments.

The Distinguished Service Award will go to selected alumni in recognition of especially significant service to others when this service has been characterized by selfless spirit and an unusual degree of dedication.

The Outstanding Young Alumni Award will go to selected alumni who graduated from Berry within the past twenty years and who has distinguished themselves in their career and/or community.

The Entrepreneurial Spirit Award will go to selected alumni for significant contributions to the advancement of a business or enterprise.

The Ouida Word Dickey Heritage Award is awarded to selected alumni, alumni organization/affiliate, Berry faculty/staff, student, trustee, donor, or friend who exhibits the exemplary character and integrity reflected by Dr. Ouida Dickey throughout her life.

Awards will be made on a conservative basis to maintain the distinction and honor intended; however, recipients will be considered as representative of Berry alumni deserving special recognition and it will be understood that some persons not receiving awards are equally outstanding.

  1. Nominations for distinguished alumni awards may be submitted by anyone to the Office of Alumni Relations or to the Alumni Association President before March 1, to be considered for that particular academic year.  Nominations should be stated as concisely and specifically as possible. Nominators should follow-up with the person they have nominated to make sure the nominee understands the award process and that application and reference materials have been submitted.
  2. The Alumni Association Awards Committee serves as a screening committee to select nominations for referrals to a final judging committee. This process usually occurs in April.
  3. In May, the final judging committee reviews candidate portfolios. The final judging committee is composed of community leaders who have no relation to Berry College and no prior knowledge of the award candidates. The judges are selected by the Vice President of the Association Awards Committee, in consultation with the Director of Alumni Relations.
  4. The winners are announced each fall and honored during the Alumni Awards Luncheon.
  5. Nominees not selected remain on the Distinguished Awards slate for a period of three years.

For the Distinguished Achievement Award:

  1. The nominee must have achieved success far beyond what might be recognized as normal or average.
  2. Distinction may be interpreted in different terms which may at times be overlapping:
    1. Notability for outstanding leadership or success within a locale
    2. Recognition or honors within an occupational or professional field
    3. Outstanding leadership within a significant organization above local level

For the Distinguished Service Award:

  1. This award shall be given for selfless service to one's fellowman over and beyond one's normal obligations.
  2. The service must have been of significant value although it may have attracted little public attention or recognition.
  3. The length of time the individual has been involved in this type of service shall be noted.  (For example, a service rendered over a period of forty years would have more weight than a comparable type of service for a period of a year or so.)

For the Outstanding Young Alumni Award:

  1. This award shall be given to an alumni who attended Berry within the past twenty years.
  2. Outstanding distinction in one’s career and/or community will characterize the recipient.
  3. The recipient shall have made contributions to the general welfare of his/her community and represent Berry’s motto of “not to be ministered unto; but to minister.”
  4. Service contributions to Berry will be considered.  These contributions may include involvement in alumni chapters, participation in alumni events, volunteer service in various projects, and /or membership on the Alumni Council.

For the Entrepreneurial Spirit Award:

  1. This award shall be given for significant contribution to the advancement of a business or enterprise.
  2. The contribution made to the business or enterprise shall be of such a nature that this individual demonstrated a commitment to turn a vision into reality, the courage to assume risks, and the ability to make changes and take advantage of new opportunities.
  3. The length of time the individual has been involved, as well as the role played, will be considered.  In other words, involvement with the business or enterprise over a period of years will be more significant than a comparable role for a shorter time.

For the Ouida Word Dickey Heritage Award:

  1. This award shall be given to an alumni, alumni organization/affiliate, Berry faculty/staff, student, trustee, donor, and friend who exhibits the exemplary character and integrity reflected by Dr. Dickey throughout her life.
  2. Support the work of the Alumni Association, and like Dr. Dickey, act as an ambassador for preserving Berry's past to ensure a future of excellence in the education of its students.
  3. Promote the preservation of Berry's history through any of the following means: research, publication, education, time, service, and/or financial support.
Nomination Form
If you would like to nominate someone for one of these alumni awards, please complete the following form. Your nomination will be reviewed by the Office of Alumni Relations and the nominee will be notified and asked to submit additional information for consideration.

Or print, complete and mail to:
Berry College
Office of Alumni Relations
PO Box 495018
Mount Berry, GA 30149-5018